
Updates Installed July 27, 2023 - Version 2.87

  • Admissions
    • Bug Fixes
      • Application Printing Error 
      • Application Evaluation Look Up Issue on References 
    • Additional Features
      • Application Settings - Add Family section and fields (Requested by APNTS)
      • Application Processing - Add Family lookup and connection (Requested by APNTS)
      • Application - Add ability to add a new church in Evaluation (Requested by ANU)
  • Academics
    • Bug Fixes
      • Transfers - set status complete with percentage grades (Reported by STNS)
      • Student - academic save issue (Reported by APNTS)
      • Survey Preview - Required Questions issue (Reported by EuNC)
      • Transcript - Grade Issue (Reported by SENDAS)
      • Transcript - Intermittent 0 credits issue 
      • Class - proposed roster, blank lines issue 
      • Transcript - Percent Average Calculation Issue (Reported by SENDAS)
      • Grace Scale Valued - Change from Link to Update button for easier use by schools that don't use letter grades
      • Class Registration - Do not error if you are registering for the same course in the same term but it has different start dates (Reported by EuNC)
      • Class - Enrollment Modification wasn't getting created if final grade percent changed (Reported by STNG)
    • Additional Features
      • Class Scheduling for Term - Copy from Other Term, add New Campus Location, allowing people to create classes for a different campus (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • Terms - Add optional Final Grades Availability Date and Final Exam Card Availability Date for term to control release of grades/exam card (Requested by ANU)
      • Transcripts - add optional override language to print transcripts in a specific language (Requested by EuNC)
      • Transcript Set Up (Requested by NTC-AUS/NZ)
  • Human Resources
    • Bug Fixes
      • Bulk Update Issue (Reported by NTC-SA)
    • Additional Features
      • Employee - add option to add instructor record from employee
  • Financial Aid
    • Additional Features
      • Email sent to Host Student Accounts address when SAP Status is changed from one value to another (not blank) for a term (Requested by NTS)
  • System Administration
    • Additional Features
      • Coordinator Group Permissions - forced restriction of permission for academics > students > degree candidacy has been removed, to allow schools that need this for their coordinators to be able to turn it on (Requested by SPNTC)
  • Reports
    • Bug Fixes
      • Query Extension –update wasn’t going to the update screen
      • Dashboard - Simple bar does not render
      • Dashboard -error with no include criteria
    • Additional Features
      • qClass
        • add proposed schedulehistory, generatedschedulestudent and generated schedule student
        • add class.gradesverifiedusername
        • add classmodification, modificationuser, and enrollmentmodificationuser
      • qStuEnr - add proposedschedulehistory, proposedenrollment, proposedenrollmentclass,proposedenrollmentcourse, and registrationapproval
      • Query Extension Range Count for Dates
  • Application Portal
    • Additional Features
      • Add optional Family page to application (Requested by APNTS) 
  • Student Portal
    • Additional Features
      • Grades and Exam Card will not show until after date set in term, if filled in (Requested by ANU)