Is it possible to produce a grade report from Instructor portal for a class I taught in a previous semester? It's fairly simple to do so from Staff > Academics, but I do not see how from Instructor > Classes.
On the instructor record, the Short Name is not filled in. This is the name that is used in many reports. The common format for this field is first initial + lastname (e.g. A. Smith).
If you go to Academics tab on Students for the student, and go in to edit mode. In the Majors, Minors, and Audits section, click update for the degree you wish to change. Then at the bottom is the transcript graduation date. The current graduation info section is for managing degree candidacy.
The exact procedure depends on your school. But, as an instructor, once you have entered final grades and submitted them, they cannot be changed by you. You must submit the grade to your registrar, who can change the grade directly.
Only if the instructor is the student's advisor. Go in to Advisees. Find the student, and it can be seen on that page.