System Updates

  • Admissions
    • Additional Features
      • Church - Add multiple people to church, added search criteria of person category. (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • Prospect Search - add is ln list Id searches (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • Document Response - added option for responses to documents, if enabled (Requested by EuNC) - this is true for all prospect areas in the system.
  • Academics
    • Bug Fixes
      • Doc Merge - student note formatting issue (Reported by NTC-SA)
      • Grade - Instructor Grade defaulting issue 
  • General
    • Additional Features
      • Search
        • Remove from List button - if the search results were loaded from a saved list, the remove button will remove them from that saved list without needing to click save list. (Requested by EuNC)
        • If save list is loaded, list name is read only and 'Save Selected as Contact List' is hidden
      • Moved Legal Name from Student to Person
      • Person - Tracking of Changes to Important Fields (Requested by EuNC)
    • Potential Action Item
      • Moodle Export Configuration - new options were added to moodle export configuration as to whether to Unenroll Dropped Students and Unenroll Withdrawn Students.  If you use moodle export, please review your configuration and make any necessary changes
    • General
      • Bug Fixes
        • Contact List - rename/redisplay issues (Reported by EuNC)
        • Document Management bug fixes
        • Change password issue (Reported by APNTS)
      • Additional Features
      • General
        • Additional Features
          • Churches - Option to update denomination, district, special type, category, and contact history for a selected group of churches (Requested by NTC-SA)
          • Schools - Option to update type, high school, unaccredited,category and categories for a selected group of schools
          • Organizations - Option to update industry, categories and contact history for a selected gropu of organizations
          • Temp File Clean Up
      • Admissions
