Project Status

New GNECsis Schools

It has been a while since we have shared our newest GNECsis schools.  

In 2023,

Instituto Biblico Nazareno - Guatemala

Nazarene Theological College - Australia/New Zealand (International Campuses)

Seminario Teologico Nazareno de SudAmerica - Ecuador

Nazarene Theological College Central Africa - Malawi

Seminario Teologico Nazareno - Guatemala


In 2024,

Iglesia del Nazareno en Mexico Seminario A.R. - Mexico

ITN/NTI - Southern Africa Region (Madagascar, Liberia, Nigeria)

GNECsis at Nazarene General Assembly

Last General Assembly in 2017, GNECsis had just begun, and only 2-3 schools were using it.  As we prepare for this General Assembly, we recently completed training at our 20th school!  We would like to use this time together as best as possible. I know schedules during General Assembly are often busy, so wanted to get this on your calendars early. Please pass the information along to your school leaders that will be at General Assembly.

Saturday morning, June 10 (In Room ICC 115)

GNECsis During the Pandemic

This morning during a chapel service, the speaker was reflecting upon how the work of the Lord has continued around the world during the pandemic. 

So, I began looking at how GNECsis worked during COVID. 

Before Covid, we physically went to each school to do deployment. From August 2016 to the end of 2019 (3 ½ years), we as a team were able to deploy 8 schools. 
