This week we are deploying GNECsis to Seminario Nazareno de las Americas (SENDAS) in San Jose, Costa Rica! Join me in welcoming them. As they are learning the system, they will have extra questions, so lets all join together in helping them to learn. Anyone have any advice?
GNECsis in MesoAmerica Region
For those interested, here is article about GNECsis that was posted on Nazarene News.
Welcome, Nazarene Theological Seminary (USA)!
GNECsis was launched today to our first school in the USA! Please welcome NTS to GNECsis!
Installation at Second School in the Philippines
GNECsis is currently being deployed to the second school in the Philippines, Philippine Nazarene College. The training of the PNC staff is being done by APNTS, the first school to receive GNECsis. It is great to see the knowledge being passed along. Please welcome PNC to GNECsis!
GNECsis Available in Spanish
We are putting the finishing touches on the Spanish version of GNECsis, and we are beginning the process of deploying this system to our schools in South America. The seminary in Argentina will be the first school to use the new Spanish version. They are currently preparing their data, and should begin officially using the system later this year.