GNECsis at Nazarene General Assembly

Last General Assembly in 2017, GNECsis had just begun, and only 2-3 schools were using it.  As we prepare for this General Assembly, we recently completed training at our 20th school!  We would like to use this time together as best as possible. I know schedules during General Assembly are often busy, so wanted to get this on your calendars early. Please pass the information along to your school leaders that will be at General Assembly.

Saturday morning, June 10 (In Room ICC 115)

Potential Action Items

  • Student - New Proposed Schedule section.  If you don't use registration from the student portal or advisors, or if you don't want the registrar to update them for the student, this section can be turned off in System Administration > Group permissions.
  • Midterm Grades on Student Portal - if you use midterm grades and you wish for them to show on the student portal, you will need to go to System Administration > Host and turn this option on under Permissions

