GNECsis During the Pandemic

This morning during a chapel service, the speaker was reflecting upon how the work of the Lord has continued around the world during the pandemic. 

So, I began looking at how GNECsis worked during COVID. 

Before Covid, we physically went to each school to do deployment. From August 2016 to the end of 2019 (3 ½ years), we as a team were able to deploy 8 schools. 

  • General
    • Grid Sorting - fix sorting for non-string columns when contains blanks
  • Admissions
    • Bug Fixes
      • Prospect Bulk Import Error when new category (Reported by ANU)
    • Additional Features
      • Prospect Reference - Allow adding of new person (Requested by ANU)
  • Academics
    • Bug Fixes
      • Anonymous Marking Permissions (Reported by Cliff)
      • Enrollment - Fix Prerequisite Issue (Reported by EuNC)
    • Additional Features
    • General
      • Right Justify Numbers and Amounts in Grids
    • Admissions
      • Bug Fixes
        • Prospect - Error after deleting requirement (Reported by EuNC)
      • Additional Features
        • Prospect - Add Admission Track and Campus to Previous Record Grid (Requested by EuNC)
    • Academics
      • Bug Fixes
        • Student - Group Update of Degrees issue with Anticipated Graduation, Ceremony, and Date
        • Student - Group Update of Degree Track Add, display Degree Name (Reported by ANU)
