• General
    • Bug Fixes
      • Birthdate in People issue (Reported by EuNC)
      • Process Task Email Issues (Reported by EuNC)
    • Additional Features
      • Process Task - Add process Task Identifier (Requested by EuNC)
      • Add option for [CAMPUSID] in Process Task Email Body (Requested by EuNC)
      • Language - Add Albanian, Hungarian (Requested by EuNC)
      • Language - Update Bulgarian (Requested by EuNC)
  • Admissions
    • Bug Fixes
    • General
      • Bug Fixes
        • Extend Role Name for Other Languages (Reported by ITN/NTI)
        • Add French Reports (Reported by ITN/NTI)
      • Additional Features
        • Bulgarian Language
        • Profile - Each user can update their preferred display language from their profile page.
        • Multilingual support for user content in Application and Host (Requested by EuNC)
        • Help Files
          • Outcomes (English)
          • Student Portal - Administration (Spanish)
          • Instructor Portal - Administration (Spanish)
    • General
      • Bug Fixes
        • Error on Editing Student from Recurring Contact List (Reported by NTS)
      • Additional Features
        • Custom Attributes - Add Data Type.  If left blank, both string and date will continue to show.  
        • Language Support for Standard Drop Downs like Yes/No
        • Multi-language capability for certain user entered content
          • Course Title
          • Degree Track Name
          • DegreeMajor Name
          • Department Name
          • CampusLocation Name
    • Admissions
      • General
        • Bug Fix
          • Disallow comma in user names
          • Safari - Drop Down Sections on Safari close on loading/reloading of the page.  Change to be open instead.  Safari ignores persistance, so cant keep previous state of open/close. (Reported by NTS/NTC-SA)
          • Add warning message before system logs you out, so you can save your work (Requested by NTS)
        • Additional Features
          • Process Task - Add note field for additional comments
