• General
    • Additional Features
      • Churches - Option to update denomination, district, special type, category, and contact history for a selected group of churches (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • Schools - Option to update type, high school, unaccredited,category and categories for a selected group of schools
      • Organizations - Option to update industry, categories and contact history for a selected gropu of organizations
      • Temp File Clean Up
  • Admissions
    • General
      • Search Results - search results on each major section, no longer are in a collapsible group, so will always display
      • Login - added the show/hide password eye icon
      • Profile Change Requests  (Requested by NTS/ANU)  
        • Student/Instructor/Staff Portal profile change request pages now only show the fields that are enabled in Academics > Administration. 
        • Now includes the option to mark certain fields required.
        • Government ID now added as a field option on the profile change request page
    • Admissions
      • Bug Fixes
        • Application - refresh list after evaluation (Reported by NTC-SA)
        • Church - fix expected entry display on members (Reported by NTC-SA)
    • Academics
      • Bug Fixes
        • Student - Document issue on next and previous (Reported by EuNC)
        • Class - self update issue from administration (Reported by NTCCA)
        • Grading Report Spacing Issue (Reported by STNS)
        • Degree Track switch issue (Reported by NTCCA)
        • Student Document Next Previous Issue (Reported by NTC-SA)
