
Updates Installed May 23, 2024 - Version 3.04

  • General
    • Additional Features
      • Search
        • Remove from List button - if the search results were loaded from a saved list, the remove button will remove them from that saved list without needing to click save list. (Requested by EuNC)
        • If save list is loaded, list name is read only and 'Save Selected as Contact List' is hidden
      • Moved Legal Name from Student to Person
      • Person - Tracking of Changes to Important Fields (Requested by EuNC)
        • Beginning with this release, any changes to Given Name, Middle Name, Family Name, Legal Name, Preferred Email, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Date of Birth, Deceased Date, or Marital Status will be specifically tracked.  There is a more info button under Change History on Person, Student, and Employee.  Clicking this will show who changed it, when, and the old and new values.
      • User - Tracking of Changes to Important Fields
        • Beginning with this release, any changes to the username, password, status, group, or authentication type, these will be tracked.  They are viewable on the user detail page (for changes made to that user) and the user activity page (for changes made by that user)
      • Church - ability to search for persons, and add multiple members to a home church at once (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • Document Responses - ability, within a category, to have a list of pre-defined responses that can be added by a user regarding a document. Currently, this is only implemented in the staff portal in the various student areas. To be added later in other areas. (Reequested by EuNC)
      • Logging (Beginning with this release) 
        • System will now track each log in, log out, switch role, and failed log in
        • User Activity - in system administration, you can now see key user activity for a given user on a given day.
  • Admissions
    • Bug Fixes
      • Prospect - prospect note doesnt save correctly on first tab (Reported by NTC-SA)
      • Prospect Import - DOB Format Issue (Reported by NTC-SA)
  • Academics
    • Bug Fixes
      • Report - Completion Report Summary Not Totaling (Reported by NTS)
      • Attendance for Selected - absent and tardy counts werent displaying properly (Reported by NTC-Manchester)
      • Proposed Schedules - if student asks for class to be removed, after class start date, it should be dropped not deleted issue
      • Student List Report - add handling for dropped classes (Reported by NTS)
      • Clearing House Report Issue (Reported by NTS)
      • Document Merge - Notes Truncation Issue (Reported by NTC-SA)
      • Grade Percentage Display Not showing 0% issue (Reported by SANU)
      • Assessment Group Grade Calculation - Remove Instructor Date Restriction when done through academics (Reported by SANU)
    • Additional Features
      • Attendance for Selected - display "Special" column to show if student is taking as audit, honors, etc (Requested by  by NTC-Manchester)
      • Enrollment - Add enrollment date and created date to enrollment record.  Created date is the date the record was created regardless of later add/drops.  Enrollment Date is set whenever status is changed to enrolled, and cleared whenever it is changed to dropped.
      • Term - Add early registration end date and late registration begin date, for use if discounts or late fees need to be applied at billing (Requested by CNC)
      • Surveys - Add duplicate option to duplicate an entire survey, including language options (Requested by EuNC)
      • Student Degree Progress Report - shows each student with an enrollment record for the term (enrolled, withdrawn, etc) and for each of their degrees without a graduation date, it will show total attempted/earned, attempted/earned last term, attempted/earned this term, and minimum required credits.
      • Audits for Selected - From Student Search page, you can now do degree audits for a selected group of students.
      • Enrollment Yearly Comparison report - add year summary, and add graduation date section (Requested by APNTS)
      • Grade Scale - added option to round percentage grades to whole numbers, for schools that use percentages.  This is implemented on Class Grade Entry, Instructor Grade Entry, and Assement Group Grade Calculation (Requested by SANU)
      • Transcript Updates (SPNTC,SANU)
      • HESA Multiple Engagements (NTC-Manchester)
  • Human Resources
    • Additional Features
      • Employee - Add Legal Name
  • Student Accounts
    • Bug Fix
      • Charge Rules by Term - Rule Rate/Amount value format
    • Additional Features
      • Billing 
        • Add dIsAnticipatedGraduationTerm option to billing, for use in Billing set up, if Graduation Fee is desired 
        • Add dIsLateEnrollment and dIsEarlyEnrollment to enrollment in billing, for use if early or late discount given
        • Add dClassesEarlyEnroll and dClassesLateEnroll to term in billing to give total number of classes in each, for use if early or late discount given
      • Bill - New Field in SYstem Administration > Host > Messages that will allow schools to add standard text to the bottom of every bill. (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • Term - Add early registration end date and late registration begin date, for use if discounts or late fees need to be applied at billing (Requested by CNC)
  • System Administration
    • Additional Features
      • Host - New Field in Messages that will allow schools to add standard text to the bottom of every bill. (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • User Detail - Log In/Out History section now displays showing any user activity
      • User Change Logging - If a change is made to the username, password, status, group, or authentication type, these will be tracked.  They are viewable on the user detail page (for changes made to that user) and the user activity page (for changes made by that user)
      • User List - New button option to search Log In/Out History and export it to excel
      • User List - New button option to show Activity for a chosen user and chosen date.  This will show
        • Log In/Out History
        • General (Transactions, shown in most sections as Change Log)
        • User Changes
        • User Groups
        • People – Important Changes
        • Student – Important Changes
        • Enrollment
        • Classes
        • Student Account Transactions
        • Financial Aid Disbursements
      • Brain Tree Emails
      • Pick Lists - Hide lists that are inactive
  • Reports
    • Bug Fix - Class root report issue (Reported by NTC-SA)
  • Admissions Portal
    • Bug Fix
      • Change Password page issue (Reported by NTC-SA)
      • Exam Results issue 
  • Student Portal
    • Bug Fix
      • Statements - fix for no show transactions confusion (Reported by ANU)
      • Degree Audit/Calculator issues if grades to be hidden (Reported by ANU)
    • Additional Features
      • Exam Card Update (Requested by ANU)
  • Faculty Portal
    • Bug Fixes
      • Assessment Grade Calculation on percentages issue (reported by SANBC)
      • Assessment Grade Move to Instructor Grade not passing along percentage (Reported by SANBC)
    • Additional Features
      • Email History -shows basic info of emails sent by instructors from system (Requested by EuNC)