
Updates Installed June 20, 2024 - Version 3.05

  • Admissions
    • Additional Features
      • Church - Add multiple people to church, added search criteria of person category. (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • Prospect Search - add is ln list Id searches (Requested by NTC-SA)
      • Document Response - added option for responses to documents, if enabled (Requested by EuNC) - this is true for all prospect areas in the system.
  • Academics
    • Bug Fixes
      • Doc Merge - student note formatting issue (Reported by NTC-SA)
      • Grade - Instructor Grade defaulting issue 
      • Survey - Hungarian Language Issue (Reported by EuNC)
      • Blank Dropped Date issue (Reported by ANU)
    • Additional Features
      • Transcript Update (SANU,NTCCA)
      • Student - Bulk Registration, add display of lead instructor and class start date to class list.(Requested by ITN/NTI)
      • Term Update Registration - add grade scale display 
      • Update Enrollment/Registration - add option to set grade back to blank (Requested by APNTS)
      • HESA updates (Requested by NTC-Manchester)
      • Class - add percent complete calculation based on begin/end dates (Requested by EuNC)
      • Document Response - added option for responses to documents, if enabled in Instructor area
  • Student Accounts
    • Bug Fixes
      • Billing Charge Rates Formatting error (Reported by ANU)
      • Prevent blank transaction date (Reported by ANU)
      • Meal Plan Issue (Reported by CNC)
    • Additional Features
      • Student - billables by term, add class sattus (Requested by ANU)
  • Financial Aid
    • Bug Fixes
      • Student - Error on Save on Personal page, birth country formatting issue (Reported by NTS)
      • SAP Calculation Issue (Reported by NTS)
    • Additional Features
      • Student Search - add options for Packaged Set/Not Set and Award available/not available (Requested by NTS)
      • Document Response in Prospect - added option for responses to documents, if enabled (Requested by EuNC)
  • System Administration
    • Additional Features
      • Payment Detail Changes
      • User Activity - add campus id (Requested by ANU)
  • Reports
    • Additional Features
      • Usage Report - shows general statistics of the usage of GNECsis across the institution
      • Document Merge - Category Security
      • qPersonChgLog
      • Remove null lines for display
      • qPayDtl added for payment detail information.
      • HESA Changes (requested by NTC-M)
  • Student Portal
    • Bug Fixes
      • Portal Progress Report - survey text issue
    • Additional Features
      • Class - add percent complete calculation based on begin/end dates (Requested by EuNC)
      • Document Response - added option for students to respond to documents, if enabled (Requested by EuNC)
  • Instructor Portal
    • Additional Features
      • Class Roster - add taking class type
      • Class - add percent complete calculation based on begin/end dates (Requested by EuNC)
      • Document Response - added option for responses to documents, if enabled
  • General Features
    • Document Response - changed so only one response can be added by an individual. Added an ability to see the responses added (in student/faculty portals only their own responses).