
Updates Installed May 17, 2018

  • Advisor Bulk Replacement – This enables you to replace one advisor with another advisor without having to change each one. (Academics > Administration > Reassign Advisees for Advisor)
  • State List in Administration sorted by Country (code) and then state.
  • Email registrar (email listed in host) when a professor submits grades
  • Add Class list by Schedule to student portal and professor portal.  This shows by day/time slot which class is taking place.  If a class is twice a week, the class will show in both slots.  If not scheduled, the class will not show on the list.
  • Flexible Date/Time Format – you can now set your default date and time formats in System Administration > Host.  Default is currently DD.MM.YYYY and time format of HH:MM (24-hour time).  However, this can be adjusted if needed.
  • “Delivery Method” per Student and not just per Class – Currently, you can add a delivery method per class, such as “Residential”, “Video Conference”, etc.  I have changed it so that you can still have a delivery method on the class, which is the primary method.  However, if you want to allow different delivery methods per student for that class there is a checkbox “Allow Enrollment with Different Delivery Method”.  This will allow you to change the delivery method for a student in that class to another method (e.g., the class is offered as a residential class, but some students will be attending via video conference, they can be registered as “Video Conference”).  This method will display on the student portal as well as the class roster for the instructor.  You can change the list of delivery methods that will show in System Administration > Pick Lists, and click on ‘ClassDeliveryMethod’.