Updates Installed on January 9, 2019

  • Admissions
    • Application processing – error fix for special characters
    • Bulk Update tool (add contact history or category for a group from search page)
  • Academics
    • Fix periodic bug on Student Search
    • Add profile picture option on Student List and New Students Report.
    • Bulk Update tool (update status or classification, add contact history, add group, update graduation date or advisor for a degree from search page)
    • Add ability to narrow down custom query reports by enrollment or people search by church district

Updates Installed on December 6, 2018

  • Admissions
    • Add Note field to prospect
    • Add Prospect Type filter on Prospect Requirement Report
    • Add Admissions Counselor to Prospect Custom Query
    • Application Processing bug fixes
  • Academics
    • Bug fix on adding new class
    • Clearing House Report Updates (US Specific)
    • Bug fix for manually satisfying a repeated course
  • Alumni
    • Add note field to alumni
  • Student Accounts
    • Generate Charges bug fix
