Updates Installed July 31, 2018

  • FERPA – Added FERPA information in to the staff portal, so that individuals know which of the student’s relatives can have access to the student’s information.  This is also updateable in the student portal for the student to update.  (US Schools Only)
  • Add clearinghouse fields to degree major and degree track (US Schools Only)

Updates Installed July 26, 2018

  • Add Host (school wide) level permissions – This will allow you to turn off non-required top level (home page) sections.    This can be done from System Administration > Host
    • Staff/admin portal – Student life, student accounts, constituency, development (not yet available), and financial aid (not yet available) may be turned off.  Admissions, academics, HR, and System Administration are required and may not be turned off school wide but may still be disabled for a given user group.

Updates Installed July 16, 2018

  • Add “instructor note to students” field on class in instructor portal.  Way for instructor to give any general notes about the class to students. Text field appears on student’s schedule.
  • Add “Scheduling Note” field for registrar to complete on class page.  This text field allows the registrar to make professors and students aware of any special scheduling issues for the class.  Will show on list of the instructor’s classes, list of student’s classes, list of available classes, and on the pre-registration page completed by students/instructors.

Updates Installed May 17, 2018

  • Advisor Bulk Replacement – This enables you to replace one advisor with another advisor without having to change each one. (Academics > Administration > Reassign Advisees for Advisor)
  • State List in Administration sorted by Country (code) and then state.
  • Email registrar (email listed in host) when a professor submits grades

Updates Installed May 29, 2018

  • Advisor Bulk Replacement – This enables you to replace one advisor with another advisor without having to change each one. (Academics > Administration > Reassign Advisees for Advisor)
  • State List in Administration sorted by Country (code) and then state.
  • Email registrar (email listed in host) when a professor submits grades
