We are facing a few problems that are arising with the GNECsis transcript. I’ve attached a ‘redacted’ transcript to this post as an example (as a double-fronted jpg). I’ve highlighted in red the problems we have, and will go through them in order from left to right, top to bottom;
- Heading – The logo is fine but we’re not sure why the institute name and ‘login’ access is visible (Luther King House Admin)
- Term entered – This is showing the term entered for the students current programme (as they moved from BA to MA) – Is it possible for this to show the StartDate of the degree major the transcript is form?
- Degree – The whole name of the degree is not showing.
- Term/Cumulative credit marks – There seems to be too many decimal places and it is altering the format, meaning that the figures look untidy.
- ‘null null’ – This has baffled us and we’ve no idea why that is there…
- Final line – As we are not a Seminary, is this line editable for our own purpose?
Are these issues 'fixable' or is it something that we will need to do from our log-in?

Every schools transcript is unique and thus your requests and comments are good! We want to know what changes you want to your transcripts.
In your requested updates and fixes and questions there are different issues at play. I am going to look over them and separate out the ones that just need to be fixed and the ones that are questions that I can answer and I may have questions to help us make it exactly what you want and need.
*GNECsis Support Specialist*
Thanks Dana - If you've got any questions for us, please feel free to pass them along; otherwise, I look forward to hearing from you about the necessary alterations.
Paul Barrett
LKC Registry Office
Hi Dana
Did we get any further with this? We had our exam board a few weeks ago and it would be helpful to have transcripts to send to our graduating students.
Paul Barrett
LKC Registry Office
We actually just finished the updates on your transcript this morning, and they will be included in the next release, scheduled for Thursday of this week.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene
Thanks Kindra & Dana :o)
Paul Barrett
LKC Registry Office
After talking with Clare this morning, we also fixed the issue of the Level column just showing the word Level. The column wasn't wrapping properly. This will also be in this version.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene