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Robert Rae
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 08/20/2019 - 16:32
Student GPA for Term report error


Greetings! We were hoping to print out grade sheets for just the most recent term per student for the Dean to review and write a little note on for students (aw). The Student GPA for Term report would seem to work well for that, but unfortunately the Excel version has all the information on the same page (of course), and the PDF version which would likely be more useful for us gives us the following error:

*** Error running Operation PRINT_DisplayReport_Jasper: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException

I may end up asking for the output of this to be altered slightly (so we have one student per page), but for now it would be useful just to see what it looks like!


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Last seen: 4 hours 21 min ago
Joined: 05/17/2019 - 21:42
Thank you for notifying us.

I have let the developers know.  I have also asked about creating a version that each student is its own page.


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*GNECsis Support Specialist*

Last seen: 7 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 01/22/2019 - 10:07

This has been fixed and will be included in the next release.  

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Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene