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Last seen: 13 hours 44 min ago
Joined: 05/10/2019 - 10:48
Student billing

Hi all,

Can anyone suggest a way that I can easily determine which students have outstanding balances on their account and be able to email them notification.  Currently I have to send all students a billing reminder even though they may have already paid their bill, signed up for a payment plan or have loans to cover their balance.  I have to include a statement that says please disregard if you have already paid or have other payment arrangements that pays your account in full.  To me this is a bit unprofessional as I should already know who has taken care of their obligations.


Any ideas would be greatly appriciated.


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Last seen: 5 days 14 hours ago
Joined: 05/17/2019 - 21:42
Billing Period Analysis - enhacement


I worked on finding a good solution and created the task for the developers but forgot to update this task. 

I am thinking the best solution is to add this functionality to the Billing Period Analysis screen so that you have one place to go to deal with all balance related issues.


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*GNECsis Support Specialist*

Last seen: 1 day 15 hours ago
Joined: 01/22/2019 - 10:07
An update for this will be

An update for this will be included in the next release, later this week

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Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene