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Last seen: 1 day 10 hours ago
Joined: 05/10/2019 - 10:48
Issue when trying to award scholarships for FA2020

I have 5 students that were awarded outside scholarships and when I try to create the disbursement so it can be applied to the student's accounts I am only getting 2 of the students to show up.  The amount for Fall20 should be $3,000.00 instead of $1,500.00


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Last seen: 6 days 11 hours ago
Joined: 05/17/2019 - 21:42
Disbursement issue

I have gone in and fixed all of the above issues to make sure I had a good idea of the issue.   Until the erronious disbursement periods can be resolved you will need to look closely at the terms that your awards are tied to. For 2020-2021 It appears a lot of students are getting the 2019-2020 terms applied to the 2020-2021 FInaid Profile year.  The problem you are seeing is that the system is defaulting 2019-2020 terms and not 2020-2021 so a lot of your awards are showing up in wrongly tied to 2019-2020.  


For scholarshps you can go into the award disbursement detail and change the term that the disbursement is tied to and the disbursement date. In the above cases that is what I did to fix them.


1. All errors will need to be fixed.  I will send you a list of awards and students that have the issue.

2. Any new awards that you make you will need to make sure they are tied to the right term.  

3. This is only a temporary process you need to do until the error of wrong terms is corrected.


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*GNECsis Support Specialist*