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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 05/09/2019 - 14:14
Hide Directed Study from Public List

Good morning!

I'd like to be able to "hide" certain classes for a term schedule from the public list so that students aren't able to view them. Is it possible to add an option to hide the class from the public class list? This might be easier than making all directed studies automatically hidden so that schools have a choice as to whether they want the public to see the class or not. I have had many students inquire about being able to take a directed study that I had set up with someone because they are able to see it listed in the term schedule.


Thank you!


Megan Zirkle

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Last seen: 5 days 23 hours ago
Joined: 01/22/2019 - 10:07
Special Permission

There are a couple different options. 

- If you mark a class as closed, it will not show up on student/advisor registration list, but it will allow you to registrar to register for them (and give you a warning).

- Class Special Permission Required, it will show up on student/advisor registration list, but it will give them an error saying they must talk to the registrar first.  It will allow you to registrar to register for them (and give you a warning).

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