Our class list is missing instructors for some reason. See: https://my.nts.edu/wPublicDClassList.jsp
The first course is an example of a missing instructor but he is in Genesis.
Our class list is missing instructors for some reason. See: https://my.nts.edu/wPublicDClassList.jsp
The first course is an example of a missing instructor but he is in Genesis.
I am emailing you directly to get an example so I can see the error in action.
*GNECsis Support Specialist*
I have looked at this for a bit and have created a task.
*GNECsis Support Specialist*
There are two issues, A and B, below.
The Lead Instructor field on the public list is a field in Genesis that needs to be filled. This field is update-able through Academics.
1. Go to Academics.
2. Top Menu, select Instructors.
3. Search for the instructor.
4. Edit the Instructor.
5. Add or Update the "Display Name" (NTS format is First Initial(.) Last Name)
6. Save changes.
DMN933, MTL521-O, PTH624-O, Do not have a Lead Instructor Assigned.
1. Go to Academics.
2. Top Menu, select Classes.
3. Search for the specific class.
4. Edit the class.
5. Select the proper Lead Instructor from the dropdown list.
6. Save changes.
*GNECsis Support Specialist*
This could be a problem of refresh rate, but I edited several of the faculty display names today and they are not showing up on the list yet. Is this a wait and see or is there another issue?
See ex: BIB515
Stephen Porter
Nazarene Theological Seminary
I will update any other names that are missing as a test. (if there are any).
It should display right away.
*GNECsis Support Specialist*