Good day
I found bug in relation to Birth Country.
The student completed the online application and the Birthdate pulled through from there.
All was well from mid Jan until now, I only viewed these students and when I select next to move to the next student it flags the error. The problem is I then cannot get into edit to change or correct this. You need to log out, log in and then delete the Birth country to be able to work. Secondly the birth country is not a picklist in academics, so not sure why this is an issue.
This happened with two students this morning so my assumption is the issue is with all of them that have birth country completed.
The campus ID 1301004532

Hi there,
I just directed this bug to the developers.
Thanks for reporting it.
GNECsis Spanish and Portuguese Support Specialist
Thanks for letting us know. This was previously reported by another school and had been fixed. Will be included in the next release, which is scheduled for next week.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene