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Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: 01/22/2019 - 10:07
Academic Progress Automation

Can we automate the recalculation of the student's academic progress whenever a grade is updated?

We had an issue where the registrar was seeing a GPA lower than the SAP. We found that SAP was run before an Incomplete was updated with a grade so there was a discrepancy. It seems to us that updating the academic progress (and the SAP in FINAID) could be automated so this wouldn't be an issue.

So, couple questions:

  1. Can the Academic SAP and the FINAID SAP be autorun each time there is an update?
  2. How does the SAP finalization date affect anything if it is updated when a grade changes? Our FinAid director isn't aware of any issues, but we wondered if you were aware of any.

Thanks. I will put in another ticket for SAP notifcation for FinAid.

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Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 03/30/2020 - 22:35

I think this is better as it is always then the latest and most current. If grades are changed later, the expectation is that the GPA must change so a date is irrelevant.

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Coordinator BTh Distance Education Programme

Nazarene Theological College - South Africa

Last seen: 3 days 7 hours ago
Joined: 10/06/2021 - 01:03
Academic Progress Automation


This request has been directed to the developers.


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GNECsis Spanish and Portuguese Support Specialist