How would I send a bulk email to students that contained their individual bills or do I just send a notice that their bill is available in their student portal. Our policies say that we email students their bills before each semester and if that can not be done is a mass email then I want to rewrite the policy.
Currently I know of no way to bulk send emails with a copy of their bills attached as an attachment.
Currently this is the best way to notify them of the current bill. They have the ability to print a copy from their portal. They can also make a payment so its a good option.
As of less than a couple weeks ago... we have new functionality that allows complex HTML content to be sent to students through email. This should allow both financial aid award letters and Student bills to be generated. I am hoping to have both of these set up in the next couple months. Thus if this satisfies your policy I recommend waiting on making the change.
*GNECsis Support Specialist*