- Can we change Trans Date column to reflect receipt date that can be populated from the receipt date entered on the cashier entry screen?
Things like VA EFT Payments, student payments received in December during NTS closure, and federal loan refunds often have to be backdated or forward-dated to reflect accurate receipt and ledger reporting. Rather than updating each student’s transactions individually, it would be better to have their transactions reflect the receipt date, rather than the date entered
I wanted to limit the options on the cashier page so as to not make lots of options for exception cases like this, so I have added the transaction date and the term to the cashier update page. So after you have entered the transactions click update and change the transaction date and/or term if needed.
This should keep the cashier page simplicity while saving you from having to back completely out and go to each student. It will be available in the next release.
Thank you. I would push back and say though that these aren’t really exceptions, rather, they are fairly normal practices.
This has been installed