This is information for Fridah. I have sent emails but they do not seem to reach her, so I am trying here in gnecsishelp.
Below is my reponse to an email from Christopher Watitwa, saying that they got an error sending their api call:
Originally the bank gave us a document for this new bank transfer. The document is called "B2B Standard API Specification v1.4 2020.docx".
Based on that document, I created two API calls for the bank. One for verification, the other for the transfer.
I sent everyone the endpoint for this (this is the test server):
// This is the validation call
// This is the payment call
username = coopbankuser
password = d1773790-4d4b-43bf-bd57-5a7db83fc099
Then Christopher sent an email saying they were getting a FAILED response (which I believe is because they were sending their call incorrectly).
In that email, Christopher said that you (Fridah) said there would be no verification and he sent a new document "B2B IPN.docx".
That would require us to change what we already implemented. I had asked you in an earlier email if it is true that you said there should be no verification and that we would need to change what we have done?
I have not heard back from you on that. I am not sure why we can not continue with the first calls implemented.
Please let me know if you get this email.
Thank you!
Hi Kelly,
Just forwarded this message to her with your knowledge. Let's see if we get a response from her.
GNECsis Spanish and Portuguese Support Specialist