We need a provision for Students to print their Exam cards to be able to sit for the end of semester Exams. The students should have a balance of Ksh.1000 or less (The amount varies depending on Management board and we would appreciate if it comes as a setup that Finance can change on need basis). The system should also give provision for Finance to authorize/allow some students to print their cards administratively (Some students might have a balance due to understandable circumstances or fee payment plans, Finance office should be able to allow them to print their cards irrespective of their current balance).
We would greatly appreciate if we can get this earliest as it is a necessity for Exams starting on 2nd Dec 2022. Students should be able to print their cards starting two weeks prior to the Exam dates.
Thank you!

Good morning,
I just directed your request to the developers.
GNECsis Spanish and Portuguese Support Specialist
We have installed this on ANU test for you to review.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene
Can someone direct me on how to get to the Exam card? I can't see that provision on the TEST server
I was helped on this, I have been able to access the Exam Card. Looks great!
1. Could we add the student Portal Username? Degree Track?
2. Is it possible to include Exam Date and Time?
PS: I know these two are coming as afterthoughts and we would understand if they can't happen as soon as we would desire.
The Footnote Should read 'Finance Department' not 'Financial'