Every time I register students and send the schedule to the registrar, I get the error message shown in the attachment: schedule not sent to M. Modine because of lack of recipient address. However, my email address is and always has been in my profile. How would I go about fixing this?
Thank you!

I used HR to reset your preferred email address (work). I then tried sending an email. I sent it to you so please let me know if you do not receive an email (ironically it may show it was sent by you...but my name is in the email body) .
Since submitting schedules is a live action It is hard for me to test without setting up a student with a class. Could you see if it is working now by creating a schedule change for a student? What I tried is I pushed (make preferred email) and then saved. I do not know if this will work but its possible the system did not have your work email flagged as the preffered any more... It may also not still work... either way please let me know if this worked or you are still having issues.
*GNECsis Support Specialist*
Completed a student's registration on Thursday and it still gave me the same error. Thank you for looking into this.
Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Professor and Advisor
Thank you for the quick follow up. We are now looking deeper into what could be causing this.
*GNECsis Support Specialist*
Thanks for helping us dig in to this. It turned out to be an issue with the advisor's email not being passed along correctly. I have added better logging and error displays to help this in the future.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene