Thanks for all your help adding in the 'Pathway' function and the bulk update, so we can sort our MA students more easily.
Unfortunately, as we come to print transcripts for this year's graduating students, the field doesn't seem to be appearing on the transcripts. Is there a trigger for this somewhere in the options we need to select?
Thanks for your help!
We will look in to it and let you know.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene
Thanks! A quick additional transcript note while you're looking at them .. we had the Transcript Note field enlarged to fit a longer statement (as some of ours are quite long) but it appears this wasn't also done for the Certification Statement, so the available field space is quite short. We have some Certification Statements that are several sentences long, so is it possible to have this as a larger available space also?
Robert Rae
Nazarene Theological College, Manchester (UK)
We have fixed both of these issues. Our next release is scheduled for Thursday. Is that soon enough to receive these changes? I can update your test server today if you wish to review these changes before the install.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene
Thursday should be perfect, thank-you! I know Dana/Kelly are working on a couple of transript fixes that are unique to Cliff, so possibly those could be bundled in for Thursday as well?
Robert Rae
Nazarene Theological College, Manchester (UK)
Anything they are able to complete by then will be included. I know they have already done the student id fix (not using historic id). Not sure the status on the other changes.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene