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Last seen: 2 days 12 hours ago
Joined: 05/10/2019 - 10:48
Setting up a new employee discount

We are now offering spouses of employees a free class each semester and was wondering if it would be better just to use employee discount or should we create a new source and if we create a new source can it go to the same sub leger as the employee discount.  I just forsee someone wanting to know how much the spouse discount is being used.  

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Last seen: 1 day 12 hours ago
Joined: 05/17/2019 - 21:42
Setting up a new employee discount


YES!  Any school using the Financial Aid Module can have multiple financial aid sources tied to the same GL account.  It is recommended that a new TR code be made but tie the new TR code to the same debit and credit GL account numbers. The General Ledger export will still track the funds the same but you will have more nuance in how you slice the discount in Student Accounts and Financial Aid. 

Follow the Aid Source Creation Guide to make sure all parts of the Aid Source are set up.


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*GNECsis Support Specialist*