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Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 05/10/2019 - 10:48
Printing exit counseling


I have been importing exit counseling into GNECsis and I was wondering if there was a way to print the record to put into my paper files?


Thank you,


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Last seen: 1 day 18 hours ago
Joined: 05/17/2019 - 21:42
Exit Counseling

There is not a specific formatted Exit counseling document. Instead it is more of a electronic record of proof of completion.   If you would like a PDF type of formated output we would need to create this as a item.  Though I think the electric record should suffice for your audit records.

You have 2 ways to get to the electronic record. Either through the import screen ( this is how I used to print it) or through the student.

  •  From Financial Aid > Administration > COD > Processing > History > Loan/Grant 
    • Search for the range you want to find the imported files. 
    • Select one of the EC Acknowledgement Documents and select "More Info" to see the students electronic details.  This will send you to the electronic record details that can be screen printed or selection printed.  You could even copy the data and past it into a spreadsheet that can quickly reference the table values and put it into a clean printable format. (I can help you set this up)
    • This is a practical place to print the records as you have all of the records in one location to easily print.
  • From Financial Aid > Student go to the Awards Section and select the "Student Loan Data" button.  If they have any entrance or exit counseling records they will show up in the Entrance Counseling Section.
    • If they have Exit Counseling you can select "More Info". This will send you to the electronic record details that can be screen printed or selection printed.  You could even copy the data and past it into a spreadsheet that can quickly reference the table values and put it into a clean printable format. (I can help you set this up)


(Having a hard time reading the images. Right click the image and select "Open Image in new Tab". This will allow you to see the full size image.)

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*GNECsis Support Specialist*