Before we move to our online application form on GNECSis, there are several differences from our current application form to the GNECSIs's. Some of the major missing capabilities on GNECSis include:
1. Applicants do not have the place to upload their ID pictures (2x2 photo)
2. Can applicants upload their documents like transcripts?
3. Needing a tabulated form (For example in the case of Previous Education that include Name of School, Location/Address, Date of Attendance, Degree/Title, and Year of Graduation)
Can Registrars have the administrative ability to manage the application settings? (i.e. to change/add/remove some items to meet the need of the school?)
Aside from the above, there are several other items that need to be included on GNECSis. Here is our current online application form to compare with. Or do you need me to enumerate all the missing items?
Thank you so much for your support. You make our life better.
Just directed this request to the developers.
GNECsis Spanish and Portuguese Support Specialist
We have an existing request that we hope to complete soon that should cover questions 1 and 2, to allow upload of requirements.
In terms of number 3, I am not entirely sure what you are asking. We do already have a prior education section, where they can enter the information you mentioned able.
We do have the ability for you to update your own application settings, it is in Admissions > Administration > Application. If you do not have access to this section, you can ask your system administrator (the person who manages your permissions).
In the next release, we will also have the ability to create multiple applications.
If you have specific requests other than, document upload, permissions, and multiple applications, please specify your exact requests.
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene