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Joined: 01/22/2019 - 10:07
Multiple Sections of a Repeatable Class Required


I really don't know how to title this post so I hope this makes sense.

We are updating our curriculum and we have decided to combine Spiritual Formation and Practicum subjects.

Beginning in the first semester of enrollment, students will take a 3-unit Christian Formation of Ministers class.

Then, each semester for the next three semesters (i.e., until the end of the second year of study), students will enroll in a 1-unit Christian Formation of Ministers class.

We can make new courses called Christian Formation of Ministers II, III, and IV easily enough.

But what we would like to do is make the Christian Formation of Ministers course repeatable for variable credit, then make this show up on the degree audit so it's clear what is required.

Let's see if I can show this graphically:

Required Subjects

Christian Formation of Ministers (semeseter 1 of 1st year)

        semester 2 of 1st year

        semester 1 of 2nd year

        semester 2 of 2nd year

Thank so much,

Mitch (for Dorys)

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Last seen: 5 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 05/17/2019 - 21:42

I understand what you would like to do.  I think the system can already handle what you want to do but there may be a need for clarity on the degree audit.

Course: The course has an option for Repeatable for Credit. (see screen shot)

Course: You can make Topic's for a course. This topic is selectable when you create the CLASS. You can use the topic to identify a flavor or characteristic of the course being taught. You could possibly use this to identify the term they are taking it or that its the one credit variant.

Class: The class inherits the credits (3) from the course. You can however edit the class and change it to 1 credits if everyone or a majority of the people in the class will be taking it as 1 credit.

Student class detail: By going to the student you can override the credits for the class to another amount. This will allow you to make it so that some students might take the class for 3 credits and other 1 in the same class.

If the above work then the only thing that might need to be added it the course topic on the degree audit.

(if you are having a hard time seeing the image, right click and select open in new tab to see the images better)


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*GNECsis Support Specialist*

Last seen: 5 days 16 hours ago
Joined: 05/17/2019 - 21:42

I worked through this a bit with Kindra and the matching up on the degree audit and even some possible complications for the transcript make this a very manual process for the school to make sure the right credits are assigned and matching up satisfactions on the degree audit.  We think the cleanest method would be to create courses for each class progression. This will allow you to reflect the right credits without having to manually change it and will allow for easy 1 to 1 match on the degree audit. Any retakes due to failure of a class will also be clearer on the transcript of what is a retake/replacement of what.. etc.  

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*GNECsis Support Specialist*