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Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
Joined: 05/10/2019 - 10:48
help correcting a financial aid return for loans


I need help correcting a loan disbursment that was done and then the student withdrew and I had to return loan funds to the Department of Education.


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Last seen: 2 days 17 hours ago
Joined: 10/06/2021 - 01:03
help correcting a financial aid return for loans

Good morning Cindy,

I just directed your request to the developers to help you.


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GNECsis Spanish and Portuguese Support Specialist

Last seen: 14 hours 11 min ago
Joined: 05/17/2019 - 21:42

The solution is a bit involved and of course needs a lot of understanding of the Edexpress Sequences etc.  I sent you directly an video with the steps I took to resolve the issue. 

For future reference here is a very brief description.

  • Generated a reversing transaction for the incorrect transaction.
  • Hid them on bill.
  • Attached the new transaction to the FA Disbursement Detail.
  • Corrected the COD Disbursement and award details.
  • Performed a new Revision with the correct amount. 
  • Verified that the correct values are showing up on the student bill, FA Award, Disbursement Detail and COD Origination/Disbursent Sequence numbers.
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*GNECsis Support Specialist*