April 17, 2018
Hi, everyone! I have a quick question on grade entry. Could the professor still post his remaining grades in GNECSIS even after the Registrar (myself) had posted some of the grades for the graduating students in his class? For instance, I will need to enter grades in advanced, but only for the graduating students, And the rest will be done later by the professor himself/herself.. Please advise.
Thank you,
Judy :)
Mon, 04/16/2018 - 23:00
Entrry of grades
The professor can enter grades while the term is open to enter grades, and the grades have not yet been marked as “Verified”. So, if the professor enters grades and you move them to final grades, just make sure the “Grades Verified by….” is not yet checked (or uncheck if checked), and the professor will be able to enter updates or new grades.