Hello team,
Is it possible to have a note for why an Academic Hold was applied and to make the Note and the Date of Hold a required field in that the person applying the Hold on a student account has to have these two fields filled as well?
Hi Frida,
I just directed your request to the developers.
GNECsis Spanish and Portuguese Support Specialist
Instead of having a note field, most of our other schools add values to the academic hold field so that it is specific to the reason for the academic hold. There are also many other contact history or note fields throughout that would be better to user than to add an additional field.
For the academic hold date, we have a running history under history > change log > student more info of every time this field was changed and by whom. So, you can always know exactly when this was changed. And in the next release, we are adding the ability for the registrar (for academic hold) and student accounts (for financial hold) to be notified by email whenever one of these fields is either cleared or set (4 different automated emails total).
Senior Software Developer
Global Ministry Center - Church of the Nazarene