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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 01/22/2019 - 10:07
Different Schedules for Different Colleges

Our doctoral classes run on a different schedule than our masters and bachelors courses. Put simply, doctoral courses usually begin and end outside of the bounds of the regular semesters. I have already set up three different colleges in Academics > Administration. Is it possible to set up overlapping College Years, viz., "2017-2018 1st Sem" for bachelors and masters and "2017-2018" for doctoral? This will make it so the previous semesters, once closed, need not be opened again when doctoral instructors are ready to submit grades.

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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2014 - 14:40
There are a couple different

There are a couple different ways to do this.  

  1.  Fit the classes in to the current terms as best you can, leaving the grading period flexible.
  2. Rather than adding a new college year, add a new term.  In System Administration > Pick Lists, find and update CollegeSemester (NOT CollegeTermSemester).  Add your new term.  The internal value should be two characters or less, and the external value should be short (around 8 characters). (Example: Internal – P1.  External -PHD #1)  I would suggest limiting the number of terms, maybe just a couple with flexible dates, so as to not confuse the rest of the school too much since it will show in the list of terms for everyone.  You can also update the pick list ‘Expected Entry Term’ with the same info, if you wish for this to be an option during the admissions process as well. Once you have saved your picklists, go to Academics > Administration, and click on College Terms.  Click New.  Your new Semester should now be an option in the drop down.  I would suggest making the  term order on these higher than your other terms, so that they show at the end.  Again, dates should be left flexible.



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