Good day!
We ran into a problem while entering a returnee in GNECSIS.The student graduated his M.Div. here in Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary. He is now trying to apply Ph.D. in T.L. degree here.
We want to find a way to add his new admission records to the previous one. However, we tried to change the standard track from Masters to Doctoral but it says the previous record of requirements will be deleted, of which we hesitated to do. We also tried clicking the GENERATE LATER PROSPECT RECORD FROM THIS PROSPECT RECORD but it turned out to be an error. Thank you and God bless! --APNTS Admissions
Thu, 05/24/2018 - 23:00
How to update an Alumnus' Admission record as a Prospect for a second degree
Generate Later Prospect is the answer. This will keep your current prospect record, and create a new one for that same person. I just tried it on my test system, and it worked just fine (no errors). If you get an error, please comment back to this post with the error (click add media above).